Saturday, 26 November 2011

We need to talk about Kevin

I recently saw 'We need to talk about Kevin'(2011) directed by Lynne Ramsey. The film was interesting and quite psychologically involved in that you are viewing one characters psychology through the turn of events that occurred. I enjoyed the cinematography and felt that the casting was spot on, especially the parts of Kevin (Ezra Miller) and Tilda Swinton (Eva Khatchadourian).

One thing that struck me and resonated even as I was sat at home that evening, was the sound design. One particular repeated effect of sprinklers that was present in parts of the film then linked in with the ending so that it foretold the events that were to be revealed to the audience. This is even more interesting because the events that are revealed at the end of the film actually happen to the character before we even join her at the beginning, therefore, the sprinkler sounds can actually be attributed to her own beliefs and links of those events to the ones we discover at the end, as if she has actually included them in her recollections of her past and actually made a connection in her mind. This signifies that she is searching for a cause of the big event and those are the ones she has picked out as points in time that could possibly have contributed in her opinion.

There was also an interesting sound link where the sounds from the next shot are woven in with the actions of the current shot so that you know that action should not create those sounds but because it then links with the next scene it's preempting what's to come and almost makes sense to be used with that object.

The style of the film really allows for a psychological exploration and journey through a characters mind and justifications for just one event. The reveal at the end of the film is justified because it allows you to feel the psychology of the character, trying to make connections, trying to make sense of why this has happened and not fully understanding or being able to accept what has actually happened until the very end of the film when you discover almost as she does.

I would really like to include some of these sound techniques in future projects, as I feel linked with an image, it can create connections within the text and give room for extra thought, even after the film has ended.

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