Friday, 18 November 2011

Sense of Space

The new assignment is to convey a sense of space through a 3 minute track. When I read the brief, I couldn’t wait to get started! Far from finding the task daunting, despite having little experience with creating sound tracks and recording sounds, I find myself quite enthusiastic and have a few initial ideas in mind already. To further this, I plan to spend some time this weekend sitting in some of these spaces to try to get a sense of the place and what sounds there are, which ambient noises and atmos tracks I could use and whether there are any intermittent sounds that could be used to effect.

I quite like the idea of exploring the space in a cafe using sounds such as clinking of cups, the coffee machine, the chattering buzz of talk as an atmos track and the occasional sound of the till being opened.

Another interesting space could be a central area or busy road but graduating from early morning where there are fewer sounds to a crescendo of activity - namely the workers commuting to work. This could involve an increasing noise of trams, different car engines, a car horn, hearing the footsteps of hurrying workers as they rush to get to work juxtaposed with the beginning which could be the cleaning carts that go around the city, the rustle of leaves on the ground, a tin can being blown across the street.

Finally, I thought of an office space. The clacking of keyboards, the drone of workers answering phones, a ringing noise, the sound of notes being written and noises of photocopying. Again this could build up from an early morning scenario with the sounds of a hoover to indicate the cleaners, a blind being drawn and then the first workers arriving - the click of the kettle from tea being made. The whirring of the machines and fans could also be used throughout the piece to indicate periods of still.

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