Saturday, 31 March 2012

Sign Language

This short film was shown to us during the screenings session on Thursday and my first feeling was that it was quite a documentary style approach to a drama! The voice over coupled with the visuals gave this feel but some of the close-up shots broke the feeling of documentary. The mise-en-scene is well considered, you can tell that these people have worked on the street for a while as they all are wearing the appropriate outdoor clothing and this denotes characterisation as well in the case of the rainbow gloves that link our protagonist and his love interest. (pictured below)
 The narrative is the driving force in plot and character development, we find out all about our protagonist and the others that work around him from his monologue. The voice over coupled with the hand-held, close up shots create an intimate feel, as if we are there with the character as he continues about his job and the busy street atmosphere can be echoed in this too, quite close to people you don't know on the street.
 There is music present throughout the entire piece and this links everything through nicely, the music is very laid back and calming, a few soft vocals coming in and out of the chords which is put together nicely with the action. Alongside the music, the diegetic noise of the street is always present so when it fades away during the ending sequence the audience notices that this is an important event for our protagonist (pictured below) and the subsequent action he takes is more important to a viewer.
Overall, I think this is a very well put together piece. It's a nice marker to see how much you can discover about a protagonist and characters in the sort of time that we will have for the drama project. The music and diegetic noise is well considered and suits the tone of the piece and the camera work allows the viewer to feel more involved.

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