Wednesday, 15 February 2012

End Product

Well, three weeks of hard work have finally culminated into two discs and although we've had our fair share of problems, I think keeping organised and working together to re-film things that needed re-filming and editing together kept us on track and helped us to produce a rounded piece.
If I'd had more time, I'd have liked to of focused a lot more on the stop motion aspect of the film because when I got some feedback from my peers, they were positive but I did get comments on reusing some footage of dots across the wall in reverse. They said that as it was a different effect it was passable but I did agree that having had more time, we could have tried to realise our idea of the whole wall being covered and showing more of the room with all these dots appearing.
Creating a five minute film in the time we're used to creating a three minute film was a challenge but it has brought home the importance of organisation and I think we were fairly ambitious with our original idea. Having had to mould it into something else to get the final film has brought us away from what we were intending at the beginning but I think this new direction has given us more flexibility and more space to actually experiment with the film.
Overall, I'm quite pleased with how we've worked together and the film we've created.

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