The rest of the day was spent colour correcting which James was very helpful with as it was my first time doing it. I think I've learnt a lot about this process now and I began to be able to manipulate the colours alone more successfully with him looking in occasionally to cross check.
Overall, I am very pleased with how my edit has gone and I think I've done some creative problem solving involving cutting around exposure and focus problems whilst maintaining the pacing and engagement of the piece. I am most proud of the argument scene where I implemented a faster cutting pace to create a disorientation which I had started on the rough edit and was encouraged to refine and add more by Esther. I think this has turned out very well - the final scene is also, in my opinion, a strong scene and my decision to keep the shot where he pulls out his phone and apologises before looking off as one long scene with no cutaways increases the intensity in my opinion.